basic Elements VBS Registration Form

July 9 - July 12, 6 - 8:30pm | Kids will explore the world of science – from launching rockets to squishing slime — while walking through five BASIC elements of faith — Believe, Ask, Serve, Impact, Celebrate!

BLAST into summer with an EXPLOSIVE VBS program like you’ve never experienced. First Evangelical Free Church is hosting B.A.S.I.C. Elements Science VBS July 9-12th from 6-8:30pm. Kids will explore the world of science – from launching rockets to squishing slime — while walking through five elements of faith — Believe, Ask, Serve, Impact, Celebrate.

Parent Information

VBS Child(ren) Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Photo Release

By signing this form, I give First Evangelical Free Church permission to photograph my child(ren) and use his or her pictures in the church’s digital and print communications. First Evangelical Free Church will never publish a child’s name or any other personal information with any of its publications.
Please select one option.
OPTIONAL VBS Registration Fee

We can't wait for this explosive VBS with your young scientists! Donations will be used to cover the cost of supplies and snacks.  They are entirely optional but appreciated.


July 9 - July 12, 6 - 8:30pm
Kids will explore the world of science – from launching rockets to squishing slime — while walking through five BASIC elements of faith — Believe, Ask, Serve, Impact, Celebrate!